Collaboration with
Paul Petritsch
Paul Petritsch
a table for twenty eight?

A table for twenty eight is a virtual dinner party, set up to celebrate the varied culture and cuisines across the EU. Each night offers a new recipe, and a spot to share your meal via google hangouts. What better way to share stories and celebrate culture than over the dinner table?
Visit the site here.

“Welcome to your virtual dinner party! 28 nights for 28 cuisines - all from the comfort of your own home. Let’s face it, it’s been a bumpy year. Why not try and resurrect it by making some new european friends? And what better way to do this than around the dinner table?
Each night we will celebrate a new european country - picking an authentic recipe for you to try out. Bring the dish to the table (courtesy of googlehangouts) and have a chat with whoever’s there! To share any stories, photos or recipe tips/substitutions (we know your cupboards are limited..), send a postcard to the gallery.
Lastly, this is a space to celebrate diversity and culture. Please be nice!
Oh and don’t forget to wash your hands...”

- march 2020